Graphic interpretation of Equation I.

In closing .....

The cubic formula

Equation I is exact.  It is NOT an approximation.  Three real roots. 

Here's  the  quartic  solution.

Equation  I

If n < 6.75, then:

Why is cosine used ?

Graphic interpretation of Equation I in motion for different theta values.

From the author,

Hope you enjoyed it!

Scott Waldon Hayes


or text message at 334-758-1722


NEW!  The quartic solution is at the bottom of this page!

​     Simplified and easy.

​Click here for the derivation of the Cubic Formula.​

Thecubicformula Exact Roots of A Cubic Polynomial

The discriminate re-written.

And, why are simple complex numbers even discussed ?

Equation  2  is exact.  It is NOT  an approximation.     One real root and two complex roots.

This is the cubic formula that you will use MOST of the time!  Get used to it, and don't be afraid to use inverse cosine and cosine on your calculator... just store theta into your calculator's memory!

If n > 6.75, then:

Also,  a $20.00 donation is requested if you have found this useful.  Please fold a $20.00 bill and mail it to me:

Scott Hayes

1617 Lee road 12, lot 125

Auburn, Al   36832                 Thank  you !!! 

the cubic formula Good News! is  EXACT !   the cubic formula.  thecubicformula exact roots of a cubic polynomial

Who is DeMoivre ?

Equation 2

This Is The Only Known Cubic Formula In The World.

(A classification index.)